Hotel information A-Z

Here you will find useful information about your stay with us. If you have any further questions, please call us or contact us by e-mail or via our form.

Please vacate your room by 11.00 a.m. and hand in your room key at reception.

For an external call, dial 0 first.

From 3.00 pm to 9.00 pm. Later arrival possible by arrangement.

Available at our reception. You are welcome to drop off your post, which will be collected every day.

Bärenapotheke, Kupferzell (5 km) 07944-940058
On-call services at the weekend are available at reception.

Doctor for general medicine:
Dr. med. Braun, Kupferzell, 07944-2203
Gemeinschaftspraxis Untermünkheim, 0791-970990

Dr. Neubauer, Kupferzell, 07944-941333
Dr. Bleyel, Untermünkheim, 0791-89495

Please enquire at reception about weekend services or speciality doctors.
Please always dial 0 before the outside line.

Information about the Hohenlohe region is available at reception.

Can be collected from our reception on request.

A bathing bag with bath towels is available for you in your room.
You are welcome to take these with you to the wellness area to transport your utensils comfortably. Please take the bath towels back to your room afterwards.

Please do not leave any cash or valuables in your room. Please use the safe in your room or leave them in the safe at reception.

Volksbank Kupferzell (mit Geldautomat) 07941-9330

Sparkasse Hohenlohe Kupferzell (mit Geldautomat) 07940-120450

Our hotel has a fire alarm system and an evacuation plan. In the event of a fire, please do not use the lift, but the emergency exits according to the plan sketch on your room door and follow the instructions of the safety officers.

Nearest shopping facilities Kupferzell (Lidl, Rossmann). For larger purchases we recommend Künzelsau approx. 12 km or Schwäbisch Hall approx. 14 km

Pleas dial 68 or 58
Staffed until approx. 23.00 hrs. If the reception desk is no longer manned, please dial 63 in really urgent cases.

Are labelled with a red “F” on each floor
Emergency call fire brigade 112 (0 in advance for office management)

Open all day at the swimming pool 6.00 am – 9.00 pm

Schwäbisch Hall
Indoor and leisure pool with sauna 0791-401281
Solebad 0791-7587130

Solebad 07940-55832

Outdoor pools
in Schwäbisch Hall und Niedernhall

Bathing lake
Neumühlsee in Waldenburg

Friseursalon Sterle, Kupferzell, 07944-378
Friseursalon Munz, Kupferzell, 07944-8033

Lost or abandoned items are deposited at reception, please contact the reception staff

We will be happy to inform you at reception, as the times vary.

The entrance doors are locked from 9.00 pm to 6.00 am. You can enter the house at any time with your room key.

Dogs are welcome here. Please keep dogs on a lead in the hotel. Let the room staff know when the dog is in the room. For reasons of hygiene, dogs are not allowed in the swimming pool and sauna. We charge a fee of € 10.00 per night (without food).

All areas of our hotel except the swimming pool have Wi-Fi access. Connect to the “Krone Free” network, you will be redirected to our homepage, confirm “Continue to Internet” here.

Our hotel offers rooms for conferences and festivities of all kinds from 10 to 100 people (information at reception).

Diakoneo Diak Klinikum Schwäbisch Hall, 0791-753-1
Hohenloher Krankenhaus, Öhringen, 07941 6920

Reception 68 or 58
If the reception desk is no longer occupied, in urgent cases please dial 63
Police/Emergency call  110
Fire brigade  112

Car parks at the main house and at the guest house

Post can be left at the reception.
Nearest post office in Kupferzell.

Monday to Friday 6.30 am – 10.00 am
Saturday & Sunday 7.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. (on request also possible earlier or thermo breakfast)
Hot kitchen:
Monday to Sunday 11.45 am – 1.45 pm, 5.30 pm – 9.00 pm
Sunday and public holidays 5.30 pm – 8.30 pm

If you have an intolerance or allergy, please let us know so that we can take this into account if possible.

If you would like to charge your restaurant bill to your room, please sign the receipt and have your room key ready.

Opening hours 6.00 am – 9.00 pm

Opening hours 4.30 pm – 9.00 pm
If you would like to enter the sauna earlier, just let us know.

In the “adventure pool” area 6.00 am – 9.00 pm
Chip available at the reception 8,- for 10 minunutes

Künzelsau: Taxi Walter 07940-4450
Kupferzell: Taxi Schöls 1222
Transfer Pratz 942484
Schwäbisch Hall: Taxi-Zentrale 0791-6117
(always dial 0 first for external line)

In-house transfer by arrangement and availability, please contact our reception team.

Office 0
Reception 68 or 58
Phone number Landhotel-Gasthof Krone 07944-670
To call another room, dial the respective room number.

Fax number Landhotel-Gasthof Krone 07944-6767
You can fax something at any time, or have something faxed to you.
Please ask at the reception desk.

per unit telephone or fax: € 0.25

We are happy to offer you a laundry service from our in-house laundry for a fee. Please contact our reception for information.

Call reception to order a wake-up call.

You can settle your room bill at reception by 9.00 pm the evening before. We accept cash, credit card or EC card.

Please hand in your room key at reception on your departure. If you are going out and it will be later than 10.00 pm, please take your room key with you and ask at reception about the night entrances!

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